One of these core values is ‘individuals and interactions over processes and tools.’ We point out that this value of Agile resonates with the core values of Change Management, which is managing the people side of change. Think of the second tenet of Change Management: “organizational change requires individual change.” We see here that Change Management already prioritizes individuals over processes and tools, just like Agile.

One of the fundamental tools in any Change Manager’s plans is ADKAR, and here we take a look at where it fits into an Agile Workflow. We use the Scrum workflow as an example to demonstrate where the five steps of ADKAR are executed in an iterative manner.

As with any other project management approach, managing the people side of change is still a massive part of the Agile Process, perhaps even more so since Agile emphasises people over processes and tools.

If you’re interested in learning more about integrating Change Management and Agile, check out our one-day workshop for more information.