Getting a Change Management certification
Becoming a Change Manager requires the application of a specific methodology and a set of tools designed to manage the people side of change.

Why choose Prosci® Change Management certification?
Managing the people side of change is a process that requires specific skills. There are a number of methods you could choose to enhance the success of your change efforts, but the most widely acclaimed are Kotter’s 8-step process and Prosci®’s 3-phase method. We concluded that Prosci® was the best which is why we became Prosci® affiliates in South Africa, Russia, Turkey, Italy and the United Kingdom and will focus here on Prosci®’s methodology.
Prosci® Change Management model and methodology
Prosci® was founded in 1994 by Jeff Hyatt and its Change Management methodology is based on over 20 years of research with change leaders and project management professionals. This continuous research provides relevant and up-to-date insights for the methodology to reflect the reality of organisations.
Getting a Prosci® Change Management certification allows you to work on your own projects, using the methodology based on their latest research and established best practice experience.
The key elements of the Prosci® approach
01 the ADKAR® Model for individual change
The model represents the 5 outcomes a person must achieve to deploy change: Awareness of the need for change, Desire to participate in and support the change, Knowledge on how to change, Ability to implement new skills and behaviours, and Reinforcement to sustain the change.
02 The Prosci® 3-phase process for organisational change
A 3-phase process that frames the steps to deploy change at an organisational level.
- Phase One – Preparing for Change
- Phase Two – Managing Change
- Phase Three – Reinforcing Change
03 Continuous research to enhance the methodology
Prosci® biennial benchmarking studies allow leaders, practitioners, and project teams to share their experiences and best practices and so to contribute to the updating and improvement of their Change Management methodology and training.
Prosci® Change Management certification
The Prosci® Change Management certification course is part of an extensive 3-month immersion in the Prosci® methodology.
Before attending the course, participants are required to undertake some preliminary work, including reading and completing a pre-work kit, to develop the right mindset. During the course, participants will learn how to apply the methodology to their own project, and create something they can take back to their workplace.
Practitioners achieving Change Management certification will be able to apply Prosci®’s tools to any change initiative, and contribute to building organisational Change Management awareness.
Who is the Change Management certification for?
In our experience, delegates on our Change Management certification courses, in South Africa, Russia and Turkey, are most frequently change leaders, change practitioners and other professionals involved in business transformation. Other attendees include project management or project team members, IT professionals, HR business partners, continuous improvement specialists or others who wish to improve their skills.
The role of change practitioners
Change practitioners are in charge of applying the methodology and enabling the other roles involved in a change. At an organisational level, they act as a director who develops the Change Management strategy and plans and then coordinate the professionals who will execute the plan.
The main roles who collaborate on the practitioner’s Change Management plan are executives and senior leaders — generally referred as the sponsors of the change initiative — middle managers, project teams, project support functions.
There are some soft skills that a change practitioner-to-be should have. Firstly, good communication skills to communicate effectively the change management plan and the actions to take across the organisation. They must be straightforward in order to face problems and adopt a solution-oriented mindset.
Practitioners also need to be persuasive to ensure sponsorship and engagement throughout the change. Coaching and project management skills are also desirable in order to conduct workshops and apply the Change Management framework, define responsibilities and review outcomes.
Are you looking for a Change Management certification?
We hope this overview helped you learn more about how to be a change manager. Feel free to contact us for further information or visit our course page.
Learn more about Change Management on our Big Theme What is Change Management?
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash